Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No Goodbyes, Just See You Later!

So Gino is leaving to head to Germany tomorrow and he'll be gone for three months. That's a long time, especially when Second Life is concerned. I told him to put me in his suitecase with some water, skittles and poptarts and I'd be fine, but NOOOO, apparently the stupid airport has these x-ray machiney things where they'd be able to tell I was in there. Whateva!

So I'm stuck here while he has all the fun, what a dork! But you'll be miss Gino. So that's why I wanted to dedicate this post to you. Thank you for being such a good friend to me, for being someone I can talk to and for being someone that makes me laugh on a daily basis even when I feel like crap.

So in the great words of our newest idol, Jane Terri, (/me sings) "I dont wanna lose you tonight! you're the only thing that matters! LMFAO...

Have fun. Be safe. Look both ways when you cross the street. And most importantly, Don't forget your laptop!

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